June has been busy for LIFE ENRICH, since two crucial meetings were held during the first days of the month.
On the one hand, the project partners gathered to hold the Executive Board meeting, which took place at Cetaqua headquarters in Barcelona on June 5th. This encounter was aimed at updating the project’s progress, discussing the on-going actions and defining the next steps, including the project’s pilot launch.
The following day, the 2nd Monitoring meeting of LIFE ENRICH was held at IRTA facilities, in Cabrils (Spain), where the different partners presented their progress in the development of the actions committed in the project. The NEEMO LIFE team, an entity that reports directly to the European Commission, was in charge of reviewing the proper technical and financial progress of the project. In general, the impressions and comments of the monitor were positive regarding the status of the project, as well as the next steps.