An informative notice board has been installed in one of the two LIFE ENRICH pilot plants, in the IRTA facilities in Cabrils (Barcelona). The main objective of this material is to introduce the LIFE ENRICH project and the LIFE Programme to those visitors that, throughout the lifetime of the project, will have a first-hand contact with the pilot plant, including project stakeholders, students and technical audiences, among others.
In this pilot plant, Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorus (P) recovered from wastewater are used, in the form of ammonium salts and struvite, respectively, as fertilizer products mixed with other components. Through the fertigation system, water and fertilizers are applied simultaneously through the irrigation system in growing horticultural plants in the greenhouse. The performance of these fertilizers is being evaluated and compared to traditional alternatives.
Furthermore, there is another notice board placed in a separated pilot plant located in Murcia Este WWTP, managed by EMUASA, which started in 2019.